Size limit and the libraries
All the official rules for the Desktop category apply except #3. The A-Frame, Babylon.js, Three.js, or PlayCanvas library is an extra JavaScript file in this category alone to be referenced as an external resource, and it's the only external resource that can be used in your entry (A-Frame's, Babylon.js', Three.js', and PlayCanvas' default fonts, controls, or any other resources that are downloaded in the background by the library itself are allowed though).
The libraries available for you to use are up-to-date given the start of the competition, August 13th. Those are: A-Frame version 1.3.0, Babylon.js version 5.22.1, Three.js version r144, and PlayCanvas version 1.56.0.
A-Frame components
You can freely use A-Frame components if you fit them inside the package. Remember that some of them may try to download extra resources, which is not allowed, so you have to modify them for your use in the competition.
WebXR versus other categories
Given the specificity of this category, and that entries using the library for "free" have technological advantage over other entries, the WebXR category is treated as an entirely separate one. You can submit your game to any (or all) of the three classic categories (Desktop and/or Mobile and/or Server) OR to the WebXR category alone. You can, however, submit your entry to both WebXR and Web Monetization categories, though it might be difficult to judge those two aspects at once.
Submitting your entry
The standard submit form is used to send an entry to the competition. Remember to select the WebXR category as the one from the available options. The A-Frame, Babylon.js, Three.js, or PlayCanvas libraries cannot be included in the zipped package, only linked to - the zip without it should be 13 kilobytes or less.
Dedicated judges
The judges in this category are here to focus on your entries. Every judge will try to vote for every entry submitted to the WebXR category, and provide constructive feedback - what was great and what could be improved.
Valve Index VR Kit
This device is sponsored by Construct Arcade. Given the specificity of shipping hardware worldwide, and issues it may cause given various customs services around the world, this prize is not guaranteed. We will do our best to ship you the prize, but you might have to pay extra taxes or other costs of importing such device to your country.
If You have any questions about this category feel free to contact us via e-mail: [email protected].
Other options include visiting our profiles on Twitter or Facebook, or joining our Slack channel.